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The Word 2014 for Portuguese, Turkish and Hebrew

The Word 2014 has been prepared by Juraci and Peter from Switzerland for Portuguese, Turkish and Hebrew:

Portuguese from the "Almeida Revista E Atualizada" by the Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil:

Consolai os desanimados,
amparai os fracos.
1 Tessalonicenses 5,14

Turkish from the "Kutsal Kitap 2001" by Kitabi Mukaddes Sirketi and Translation Trust:

Boş gezenleri uyarın,
yüreksizleri cesaretlendirin,
güçsüzlere destek olun.
İncil, 1. Selanikliler 5:14

Hebrew from the free "Modern Hebrew 2004" prepared from the Masoretic AT/Iwrit NT:

עוֹדְדוּ אֶת הַנְּכֵאִים; תִּמְכוּ בַּחַלָּשִׁים. תסלוניקים א, ה 14

2013-12-23 • HSteeb